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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Longest Day - The First day of Summer - The First Viewing of Fireflies

We were just about to get Grayson into bed -
child loves to push the staying up as long as she possibly can
When I was walking downstairs and saw the front yard blinking like crazy.
Grayson had never seen a lightning bug.
I announced back to Peeps "COME QUICK" and he knew what I had seen.
AMAZING was her total description with glee. 
I asked how many she thought we saw in the brief time we stood there, 20?
21! she quickly said.  She went to bed excited but happy as could be.
We love having her & her family here at Toad Hall for June. 
Justin and Millie had gone out to celebrate Anniversary #8.
Life is good where the fireflies are!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Wild Wooders Have Moved into Toad Hall

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Justin Millie, Grayson, Finley Cate, and Maggie(the black lab) moved into our home over Memorial Day weekend - Maggie's bed was even in our room when we got home from Riverbank
where we had been sitting for the girls.

It has been great for us to have them with us.
There is nothing quite like the squeals of joy that the girls greet us with every morning.

We have had a lot of al fresco times on the back porch, Peeps has purchased another splash pool and Grayson loves each and every flower we feed and/or water.

It sure is going to be quiet when they move to their new home and I know we will miss them.