Uncle Brother and I are cut from the same cloth. How do I know? We both love to laugh, even though he's been laughing a whole lot longer than me Hey, laughter is contagious. Why not enjoy it for all its worth?
Tonight, sitting around the round table on the patio after supper, just chillin, waiting for lightning bugs to come out and play, Uncle Brother and I started looking at each other and laughing. I covered my head with my napkin. When I pulled it off to see if he was still looking at me, he howled real loud. That tickled my funny bone, and when my funny bone got tickled, that tickled his funny bone and that tickled mine all the more, and I thought we'd never stop laughing.
Did you know laughter is good for your soul? It is -
Psalm 100 says it like this:
1-2 On your feet now—applaud God! Bring a gift of laughter, sing yourselves into his presence.
3 Know this: God is God, and God, God. He made us; we didn't make him. We're his people, his well-tended sheep.
[A Thanksgiving Psalm]
from The Message translation
Why Allen ran for Probate Judge …
10 years ago
you are so talented, daddy! i love the words you write and the pictures you choose. avery is so fortunate to call you her peeps.
we loved being with ya'll and laughing ourselves silly.
:) a&a
too cute. I smell proud peeps!
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