It just seems like yesterday that Avery was here in Toad Hall & guess what...instead of helping Avery's parents move all their earthly belongings (which weren't given away, sold or put in the care of one of their benevolent friends who have ageed to 'store' things for them) from Jackson, TN to Little Rock Arkansas, MayMay and Peeps have been given a pass and for that pass have agreed to open up Camp Toad Hall once again before summer vacation. We are just delighted and are already grooming up the huffs for her arrival. She has alerted us that she might just be bringing her own huffs to see us as plans are not in place yet for her huffs but it is a possibility...her mom and dad are flying off to Jamaica or some cool place (or hot maybe this time of year, but who knows) right before the annual family trek to Flawada as ALison called it as a little girl and we still do. Avery's mom sent the drawing shown here as Avery's first art. Not bad for a 15 month old. Is it talent or timing?
I guess she has the genetics for being an artist, I can see many hours of shared drawing and coloring together for Mom, Dad, and little artist.